"35 years of experience in the
area of analytical building material analyses"Dr. Markus Boos, Managing Director

From building materials to paints and varnishes
The Institute
Every planning, conception and realisation of repair projects is preceded by a profound scientific analysis of the "existing situation". A strong partner in the field of laboratory analyses is therefore essential.
The independent and neutral Bernhard Remmers Institut für Analytik GmbH (BRIfA) was founded in 2015 after 35 years of experience in the field of analytical building material testing.
This institute is accredited in accordance with DIN EN ISO/IEC 17025 as a testing laboratory for chemical and physical analyses of concrete, concrete products, bricks, natural stone, paints and coating materials. (Akkreditierungsnr. D-PL-20117-01)
Highly qualified specialist personnel
Bernhard Remmers Institute for Analytics
500 m² of state-of-the-art laboratory space in
Competent contact for building material analysis and analytical questions
More than 200 laboratory services
Objectives of laboratory tests
The results of the tests carried out at the Bernhard Remmers Institut für Analytik (BRIfA) are often the basis for remediation recommendations by experts and specialised companies. The characteristic values determined in our test laboratory can be decisive for the award and scope of a contract. It is therefore important to test the analyses precisely and with the greatest possible reliability, in accordance with current standards or guidelines and the state of the art. Where BRIfA uses in-house methods, these are described in detail and validated.
A comprehensive system for monitoring test equipment ensures that only calibrated and approved test equipment is used. The equipment required to carry out the tests is kept up to date with the latest technology. Regular participation in round robin tests and comparative tests, as well as internal and external monitoring, ensure that absolutely reproducible test results are produced.
The benefits
✓ Independent, neutral & accredited test laboratory
✓ Validated methods, reproducible results
✓ Results as a selection criterion for clients
✓ Short response times
✓ Flexibility with regard to special customer requirements
✓ Discretion with all customer-related information

DAkkS accreditation received